Moroccan Face Herb Set
Moroccan Face Herb Set
Moroccan Face Herb Set is a collection of Moroccan herbs prepared by the most
skilled Moroccan herbalists. It is formulated with natural herbs, from which
beneficial oils and herbs for facial skin are extracted, combined in a helpful
mask. The set includes the following herbs: Blue Nila, Fava Beans, Chickpeas,
Starch, Fenugreek, Xanthium, and Milk Thistle.
Benefits of the Moroccan Face Herb Set
- Brightens and lightens facial skin tone.
- Unifies the entire face color.
- Removes pimples and acne marks.
- Gives the face a smooth and delicate texture.
- And
many other benefits.
How to Use the Moroccan Face Herb Set
Mix a tablespoon of face herbs with a little rose water and leave it on the face as a mask for 20 minutes, then rinse with warm water. Repeat the process 3 times a week.
- Buy now and you will receive a gift with your order from Zena Store.
- The product and the gift will be delivered to your doorstep.
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